Orange peeler

3,20 30,00 

3D printed citrus peeler made of biodegradable plant-based plastic. The product is not dishwasher safe!

Do you find peeling oranges difficult?

Knife too sharp (or dull) and oranges all over the kitchen? This handy peeler will help with that woe. You can also peel other citrus fruits.

Use a hook to make longitudinal slashes in the orange peel and a chisel to lift the peel out of the fruit.



This product is NOT machine washable. The material is PLA plastic, which is not resistant to boiling water. The product will start to soften if left to soak in water above 60 degrees for a few minutes. This product can only be hand washed!

Rinse after each use.


The product is printed in Finland, from plant-based, biodegradable plastic.

Weight 10 g
Dimensions 150 × 13 × 7 mm

Glitterpunainen, Glittervihreä, Limen vihreä, Mintunvihreä, Musta, Oliivinvihreä, Oranssi, Pinkki, Punainen, Silkkilila, Silkkipinkki, Silkkivihreä, Sininen, Vaaleanpunainen, Valkoinen, Vihreä, Violetti


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